Monday, March 14, 2016

Blog About Twitter

Human beings are all different to each other and everyone of us have our own beliefs and perspectives. whenever we talk about something we may or may not have similar belief of perspective on the certain topics. That is why, we discuss presenting out views on our belief and perspectives and in most extend we learn new things. Discussion helps us to improve our beliefs and perspectives. Social networking sites and educational channels  help us do the same in our lives. Either discussing in person or using the virtual word,  we present our ideas and listen to others too. A good discussing is that when everyone puts in their ideas and come to some conclusion that both or more parties agrees. 

As of student, we have many ways to be in part of discussion such as in-class discussion, blackboard discussion and using the social networking sites. Twitter is one of the good examples of social networking sites to have a discussion because it has some incorporated features for the students and the professors for educational purposes. Most student don't use much of the blackboard discussion only if it is course related. Unlike other normal citizen, everyone love to be in social media sites. However, using social networking sites such as Twitter is one track that can be use for educational or noneducational purposes. Moreover, class periods are limited and everything can't be discuss in one short period. But the same topic is posted in twitter discussion with the Twitter tools apps, students can discuss about the unfinished topic off campus with the fellow students as well as professor. For example, lets say someone missed the class for some reason and having a class discussion on Twitter would help let the absent student to be part of a discussion that he/she would have missed. 

In my opinion, blackboard discussion is done only if you are in school or college and most of the time it is used only if it is course related. In class discussion is the most important factor of being a student where we can present our ideas and beliefs in front of others. However, time is limited. But using Twitter discussion which can be off or to the topic and because of its straight forward features, one can give their beliefs and perspective in simple understanding way. 

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