Saturday, March 5, 2016

Social Networking

          The good thing of social networking is that it connects you with the people around the world. Human beings are the social animal and we are meant to be socialize. Even there is a saying, “It’s not what you know, it’s about who you know.” Well this explains how much the social networking is important. Now the technologies are growing so rapidly and we, human are trying to fit in with it accordingly. Technology such as social networking plays the vital role in general compare to any other. Social networking websites or applications such as Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, etc. are such viral social networking apps that are not only the humans has but it has also been created for an animals. 
          In India, traffic police created a Facebook page and turned out to be beneficial for the community to maintain law and regulations. As soon as the page has been created, residents started posting photos of fellow citizens who were breaking the law. According to The New York Times, by Heather Timmons, “Using the pictures, the Delhi Traffic Police have issued 665 tickets, using the license plate numbers shown in the photos to track vehicle owners.” The traffic police has never asked for such activities from the residents, it just happened automatically. It is also been said that drivers are being more careful and more cautious, and less numbers of scofflaw drivers.
          Now a days, individuals are so much into social media and it is helping them gathering information. According to Leaving ‘Friendprints’ : How Online Social Networks Are Redefining Privacy and Personal Security, “ It is clear that individuals are increasingly using these sites to keep in touch with friends, find jobs and enhance their careers.” This is one of the useful way of using or being part of the social networking system. However, the article also state,” According to Hoffman, that new friend may just be mining your social circle for information. As networks grow and more friends of friends (and their friends) are accepted by users, it’s unclear who can be trusted.” In other words, it is hard to trust who is your friend and who is the enemy. In a way, social networking has taken away the privacy of the individuals. For example, a group of people gathers together and want to share that information to their friends. But somehow the information went viral because someone might it share it with other group of people. The article, Facebook Privacy is so confusing even the Zuckerberg family photo isn’t private, says “Schweitzer, who is not friends with Zuckerberg and just subscribes to her public posts, apologized.” Now the one who is not even a friend has access to see the information just being his/her friend’s friend in the social media. 
          I think social networking is a good thing depending how precisely individual would use it. Of course there is always two sides of a coin. Social networking may be useful in many ways but also it has some down falls. With a growth of technologies, I think there will be such system that records itself the activities you would do and would be processed and updated in the social networking pages. An individual would not even need to type or share. There would be a built in system in the body that would function according to the feelings and thoughts of an individual.

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