Sunday, February 14, 2016

Social Network

       It is in our nature to become social. We, human beings love to be part of something that gives us the meaning of being social. With the development of social networking technologies has given us a different level of socialization between people from around the world. It has built a platform for people with similar interest and profile to be connected. It allows the people to create a profile of their own which are web based and users communicate with the other users with similar interest. However, there are various different kinds of social networking applications available to the users such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. which are the most famous among the users. Are these web based social networking application meant to be connecting people or keeping them away from the each other? Like there is a saying "A coin has two side."
Similarly, everything has two sides such the social networking too. The thing that I might see not necessarily seen by others. Therefore, I would like to talk about the impact of social networking in  both the good and worst part. 


  1. I agree that social networking comes hand in hand with the quote "A coin is two side" because social networking can improve as well as hinder your social life. The purpose of social networking is to maintain and enhance your friendships/relationships. However, there are cases where social networking has backfired on individuals and caused them distress or a sense of feeling left out. From seeing their friends do fun things, users can start feeling sad or FOMO (feeling of missing out). In conclusion, social networks are great for keeping connected but may also cause more distress on a person.

  2. I agree with you Yvonne, you are right about the feeling of missing out but hey, there must be some ways to cheer them up too. Let just be positive and hope social media would find way out to solve them out.
